Artists in Residency: Tips for Web3

The landscape of artistic expression and distribution is witnessing a transformative shift with the advent of Web3. This new realm, powered by blockchain technology, is not just a buzzword but a real game-changer for artists. It's a place where creativity meets cutting-edge technology, offering unique opportunities for artists to showcase...

The Shocking Truth About the Expert Who Trolled Entrepreneur with Chatbot’s Help

Aaron, an expert on the potential impact of technological advancement on traditional models of society, submitted a piece to Entrepreneur Magazine. However, the magazine rejected it, claiming it was just an opinion piece. Frustrated, Aaron turned to ChatGPT, a language model trained by OpenAI, to confirm the factual and valid...

2020 Year in Review: How is Technology Changing the Cannabis Industry?

The global cannabis industry is worth over $70 billion and is still growing. As the industry evolves, technological innovations are making massive changes to the way cannabis is grown, sold, and used. Breakthroughs in science and technology are affecting the industry in new and exciting ways. Here's how these breakthroughs are changing the...