Review: “The Web 3.0 Marketing Revolution” by Shaun Mathieson

Navigating the New Terrain of Web 3.0 Shaun Mathieson's "The Web 3.0 Marketing Revolution" is a crucial navigational tool for the uncharted waters of the latest internet evolution. This book serves as a compass for marketers and business professionals venturing into the new, dynamic world of Web 3.0. Demystifying Web...

Review: “Web3 Marketing: A Handbook for the Next Internet Revolution” by Amanda Cassatt

Introduction to a New Digital Era "Web3 Marketing: A Handbook for the Next Internet Revolution" by Amanda Cassatt is a groundbreaking exploration into the evolving landscape of the internet. As we stand on the brink of a significant shift in digital interaction, Cassatt's book emerges as a vital guide for...

Humanity Meets the Future: CES Week 2024’s Interstellar Soiree Merges Artistic Soul with Tech Wonders

The Interstellar Soiree during CES Week 2024, showcased at Worre Studios in Las Vegas, was an artistic event highlighting the intersection of human spirit and technology. It featured a diverse collection of artworks that explored our evolving relationship with technology, both from an external and internal perspective. The exhibition included...

This New Trade Law Would Make Your Next Laptop, Tablet or Smartphone Cost Hundreds More

The Consumer Technology Association's (CTA) recent whitepaper "PNTR Revocation is a Recipe for Inflation" examines a critical issue in current U.S. trade policy debates - the potential economic impacts of revoking Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR) status for China. This move has been proposed in various legislative bills and continues...