So, you are thinking of starting a small business. You've settled on an idea and bounced it off of all of your friends and family. They all loved it. You're ready to take on the world, round the demo day circuit, get investment, and introduce the next hottest thing since...
Startup DIY: Contracts 101
Contracts 101 Startups typically begin with limited resources but have many mountains to move. Thus, startups regularly reach out to external contractors to assist with various to-dos. Engagement with these external parties come with contractual obligations and many startups are unaware of what contract types are available when making a request for help. My earlier experiences with contractors began with merely handshakes...
Emotional Intelligence IS Mainstream
Every few years there are training fads and hokum that try to infiltrate the corporate world containing no empirical evidence of success. Examples ranging from Matrix Management to Business Process Reengineering have claimed to provide better productivity in the workplace but rarely take hold. These fads lack key elements in...