Leadership in the early days of a business often revolves around a "hero" figure—the founder or CEO who takes charge, solves problems, and drives the company forward with relentless passion. Yet, as companies grow and scale, this model starts to show its limitations. The success of an expanding organization requires...
Turning Pixels into Profits: My Revel.xyz Experience
I never thought my phone’s camera roll was more than a digital keepsake box — until Revel.xyz turned it into my virtual wallet. Last week, as I scrolled through endless pictures — pausing at snaps from my Peru trip, my coveted selfies, and my banana —I stumbled upon Revel.xyz. Suddenly,...
7 Surprising Facts About AI Startups
AI startups are just one more step in the direction of technological growth and AI can benefit your business tremendously.
The Global Business Implications of COVID-19
Do you still find yourself asking how all this even happened? Well, you're not alone. The novel coronavirus COVID-19 came almost out of nowhere, bringing the global economy to its knees in a matter of weeks. After the initial shock, many business owners are looking beyond the virus to its long-term...
Digital Marketing for Startups: 7 Things You Need to Know
If you're trying to start a business in 2018, one fact is certain: you need digital marketing. 69% of Americans hit the net several times per day. That includes 26% who say they're more or less online during all their waking hours. Why not capitalize on these habits by spreading...
Why Startups Must Take Cybercrime Seriously
We live in interesting times. It’s never been so easy to start a business. The internet has made it possible to create a virtual business front in minutes and at a low cost. Digital marketing has made it easy to get your business message out there. There’s also never been...