NFTs: Creating Digital Scarcity

If you have been following any tech news other than Elon trying to buy Twitter, then you have heard about NFTs. NFTs, non-fungible tokens, are all the rage in the crypto world. And, for a good reason! They allow you to create digital scarcity, something that is essential for any...

Your First POAP Badge!

POAPs are a really neat and emerging trend in the digital crypto space to authenticate your presence at a virtual/meta, physical, or hybrid event. POAP's website,, notes: "POAP enables a new way of keeping long-lasting records of life experiences.A POAP is a digital collectible created as a NFT (non-fungible...

Cryptocurrency 101: Basics

Cryptocurrency is a digital currency. Cryptocurrency is based on blockchain technology (more on that later). It uses cryptography to secure transactions and to verify the transfer of funds. Blockchain is often used in conjunction with cryptocurrency. From a wiki for cryptocurrency, blockchain “is a continuously growing list of records called...