If you find yourself starting your own business or taking the lead in a company, you're likely excited. You know with your skills and talents that you can make a difference to this organization. But what if you have lots of good ideas yet don't know where to start? What...
Team Building: What Is It and Why Is It Important?
What is team building--and why is it something to be concerned about when trying to run a successful business? If you own a startup company, this is probably a question that you've asked yourself time and time again at the beginning of your operation. You've likely heard all about team building and...
7 Reasons Why Entrepreneurship Mentoring Can Help Your Startup Succeed
Few things exemplify the adventurer's spirit more than striking out on your own with a startup. Entrepreneurs are marked by a rugged individualism and a by-your-own-bootstraps ethos that make most nine-to-fivers feel nauseous. But too many entrepreneurs try to strike out on their own a little too literally. They try...
10 Habits of Successful Business Leadership
Accomplishing successful business leadership is a learned skill and something that can take your career to the next level. But competition in the entrepreneurial world is at an all-time high and the list of qualities a successful business leader must possess continues to grow. Not to worry, I've narrowed down...
8 Common Leadership Weaknesses That Can Kill Your Business
Being a great leader is more than just about bossing others around and demanding results. The key is to have a balance of sternness, fairness, and collaboration. You don't want to be seen as just another colleague, but you also don't want to become too distant. As a leader, you...
9 Employee Activities You Can Do at Work to Boost Productivity
How engaged are your employees? If you're not sure or don't think it really matters, you need to change your perspective. Especially if you're trying to establish a start-up. Employee engagement is key to boosting your productivity. And to increase that engagement, there are certain employee activities that you need...